Exchange Indian Driving License for Polish Driving License – Online Application

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After your arrival in Poland, you can drive maximum of 6 months in Poland with your Indian Driving License together with International Driving Permit. India was part of the 1949 Geneva Convention of Road Traffic but was not part of 1968 Vienna Convention of Road Traffic. So Police around the world sometimes make troubles if you do not carry International Driving Permit. But I have personal experience in Portugal to drive a rental car only with Indian Driving License. You may read more about Traffic Conventions here. You must validate with authorities for the latest information when you plan to drive. It is important to get a Polish Driving License if you plan to stay in Poland for the long term so that you can drive worry-free in Poland as well as in any EU countries including Schengen countries. You are eligible to exchange your Indian Driving License for Polish Driving License if you have already stayed in Poland for a minimum of 185 days**.

If you plan to apply for a new Polish Driving License, you have to pass both Theory and Practical Tests. Exchanging Indian Driving License is one of the easiest methods so that you only need to pass the Theory test which is comparatively easy.

Comparison of getting new DL and exchange DL

Apply for a fresh Polish DL

  • Theory and Practical tests
  • You do not need your Indian DL at any stage of the process.
  • 2000-2500 zł total cost

Exchange Indian DL

  • Only Theory Test
  • You have to surrender your Indian DL at Urzad Miasta. But you can get it back through Indian Embassy after few months. Do not worry about driving in India during your vacation; because a soft copy of Indian DL either in DigiLocker or any such app is enough for Police checks.
  • 150-200 zł total cost
  • Optional Medical Certificate (+Apprx 200zl)

In this blog, I will explain the Online Application Process to exchange Indian Driving License for Polish Driving License.

Step 1: Get Trusted Profile

Trusted Profile can be used for authenticating your profile for most official online applications in Poland. This is similar to Aadhar authentication in India.

Getting a Trusted Profile is very easy method ; you can follow my another blog for the process.

Step 2: Prepare Supporting Documents

You will be submitting an online application, so obviously all the supporting documents should be in soft copy format either in jpg/jpef or pdf. Make sure you prepare the documents exactly as I mentioned below which is tried and succeeded method.

1. Your photo 3.5cmx4.5cm size:

Clear color photograph of 3.5X4.5 cm size. If you already have a printed passport size photo, just scan it and use any online tool to resize it to 3.5cm x 4.5cm format. Aspect ratio of 3.5cm x 4.5cm is approximately 275px wide and 354px high. There are many mobile apps available to do the job. It is recommended to have less than 20 KB JPG file size.

2. Signature 7cmx2cm size:

Your signature will be printed on the Polish Driving License. Sign on a paper with a pen and scan it or take a photo using a mobile phone and then crop the photo to accommodate only the signature. Use any online tool to resize to aspect ratio 7cmx2cm which is approximately 550px wide and 160px high. It is recommended to have less than 20 KB JPG file size.

3. Indian Driving License:

Single pdf file of all related documents.

i. Translation of Indian Driving License to Polish: Approach a legible translator and get the translation done. Make sure they attach a copy of your original Driving license along with the translated document pinned together and the Translator’s stamp on all pages including on copy of the Original Driving license. You may read my another blog post about sworn translators in Poland.

ii. Confirmation from Govt. Of India Parivahan Website: Go to the Parivahan Portal and search for your Indian Driving License. Many of us might have aquired the Indian Driving License when the service was with State Goverment thus with a different Driving License sequence number. Follow the instructions on this page to find your driving license. Use CNTRL+P on your keyboard and use ‘Print to pdf’ option to save the webpage in pdf format.

Do not worry if the Driving License sequence number on your original DL is different from the Parivahan confirmation. I believe Polish authorities are already aware of this difference based on the experience processing many applications from Indians. In my case, the processing officer sent an email to Indian Embassy asking for clarification and Embassy dealt with it successfully after calling me and discussing the matter.

iii. Polish Translation of Parivahan confirmation: In my experience, I did not provide a translation and the processing officer was ok with it. But I recommend translating this document also to avoid any delays in your application processing. Follow the checks I mentioned earlier regarding the translation.

Before proceeding to the DL online application, make sure you merge all documents related to Indian Driving license (Original and translation of Original Indian DL + English and Polish translation of Parivahan confirmation) into a single pdf file. You can use some online tool to merge the documents and compress the pdf file size. I recommend file size less than 1.5 MB or try your luck.

4. Other documents:

Unfortunately, the PWPW website did not specify what documents are really needed under this field in the online application. So we can proactively decide to provide most important documents which a Polish Authority may ask us for any common type of applications.

i. Karta Pobytu (Temporary Residence Card): Scan both sides of the card.

If you do not have Karta Pobytu, scan your visa with which you already stayed in Poland for minimum 185 days. You may check with your local office about your eligibility.

Update: You can also submit your Visa copy if you do not have Kara Pobytu. One of my friends recently applied for DL via online process even before 6 months after arrival in Poland and got the PKK number and DL. Try your luck 🙂

ii. Passport: Scan First and Last pages of the passport.

iii. Zameldowania (Resident Registration Proof): The address registration is a fee-less process and you will be assigned a PESEL number automatically. But if you need proof of address registration, you can get this document by paying 17 zl at the nearest Urzad office at the time of address registartion itself or at a later stage. This document is valid usually till your rental agreement expiry date or Karta pobytu expiry date whichever is earlier.

iv. Medical Certificate (Optional): This is an optional document in DL exchange process. If you do not submit Medical Certificate, the expiry date of Polish DL will be same as that of Indian DL. If your Indian DL expires in near future, submitting Medical Certificate will assign Polish DL validity that of Medical Certificate. If the doctor assess your medical cases and provide certificate with less expiry date than Indian DL expiry date, then it is better do not submit Medical Certificate. Use your common sense and submit the document accordingly.

You can approach Luxmed or Medicover or similar Medical Centres by calling their customer care. Usually an appointment with Ophthalmologist and an Occupational Medicine Doctor will be assigned and at the end you will be given a certificate stating that you are fit for driving. Approximate cost of this service is 200zl. There are other independent services who can also visit your home and provide certificate. Or search in google maps with term “badania prawo jazdy” to find a service near to your home.

Scan all above documents and merge them into a single pdf file. Please remember to compress to a minimum of 1 MB size or try your luck on the online application.

As of now, you are ready with all documents needed for the online application. Continue to step 3.

Step 3: Online Application in PWPW

Use Google Chrome browser so that the page can be translated from Polish to English for your convenience.

Create an account in by registering using Zarejestruj się option below the login fields. Click HERE for a complete step by process to register.

Once you successfully register, login to PWPW and start the online application. The application is to get the PKK number. You can also save the application as a draft and continue another time.

Click HERE or on the below image for step by step process of the application procedure in a very detailed manner. You may find answers to many of your questions there while filling the online application.

* The PWPW logo and the images are property of Polską Wytwórnię Papierów Wartościowych S.A

At the end of the application, you can make online payment and a total of 102.50 zl to pay inicluding the service fee of 2 zl.

For submitting the application, you need to sign using Trusted Profile given as an option and after successful compltion, you will be redirected back to PWPW.

The application process will be complete at this stage and status will be as below

From now, you just need to wait for the status change in the application which you can see under the Moje wnioski after login into PWPW.

Step 4 Get PKK – Driver Candidate Profile Number

After successful verification of your submitted application, you will find a link appearing in the column Profil Kandydata na Kierowcę.

You can download PKK number similar to below. Just note down the number.

The Driver Candidate Profile (PKK) is generated after submitting an application for authorization or ex officio in the case of a referral for a qualification check. PKK is a unique number and is necessary to register for the exam at the Provincial Road Traffic Center (WORD). You can find more details about registering for the Theory Test at the latest stage of this article.

PKK contains the following set of information: Personal data, category of entitlements from the application, medical/psychological examinations if any required, photo, driving restrictions, entitlements required in the case of applying for the resulting entitlements (eg Cat B when applying for Cat C).

The PKK number should be presented at the Selected Driver Training Center when registering for the training, as well as at the Provincial Road Traffic Center when registering for the exam.

For more information about the Driver Candidate Profile or the process of obtaining permissions, please visit .

Step 5 – Appointment for Theory Test

Of course, you can plan to learn the theory first and then submit the application mentioned in Step 3; but believe me, we are all human and we will delay the application just by thinking we have enough time ahead to prepare and many will eventually lose the interest or forget the portions covered before.

In my opinion, the best method is to take the exam appointment and then start preparing for the exam. Take an appointment just two or three weeks ahead after submitting the application is enough for preparing for the theory test so that you will have that seriousness about nearing the exam date and you will remember the portions you covered.

PKK number is mandatory to book an appointment. You can prefer to write the test in English. Remember to select the nearest WORD centre for convenience. Book an appointment HERE.

Step 6 – Prepare for Theory Test

There are many online websites providing materials for theory test. But buying CD from the Driving School is the better option as the CD software has the exact layout and questions of the real theory exam. This is from my experience.

You can read more about Theory Test details HERE

Step 7 – The big day

The theory test will be on a computer at the WORD center; remember to inform the invigilator to select the English language for you and attempt the exam with confidence. Most questions will be exactly as in the CD software. You will know the test results on the screen at the end of the test.

Step 8 – Wait for the email

After successfully completing the Theory test, you just need to wait for an email from the Urzad Miasta about collecting the printed Driving License in card format.

You can also check the status HERE if the printed Poland DL is ready to collect. You have to take the Originals of all documents which you uploaded in the online application and those will be verified in the Urzad Miasta office. You will be surrendering the Original Indian Driving License at this stage.

Good luck and happy Driving in Poland and EU !


  • Why should I appear for Theory exam?

India driving license does not match the model specified in the Geneva Convention or the Vienna Convention – you must pass the theoretical part of the state examination.

  • Do I need a letter from Indian Embassy?

No. The letter confirming the legibility of Indian DL was needed from Indian Embassy in earlier days before the Parvahan website was launched. But now confirmation from Govt. Of India Parivahan Portal is enough to submit along with Polish DL application. Use CNTRL+P on your keyboard and use ‘Print to pdf’ option to save the Parivahan webpage in pdf format. Polish translation of this confirmation was not asked for me in Krakow. But good to have the Polish translation as it depends on the processing officer to ask for it or not.

  • What will be the validity (expiry date) of Polish DL?

If you do not submit Medical Certificate, the expiry date of Polish DL will be same as that of Indian DL. Do not worry if your Indian DL has short validity, you can easily renew the Polish DL with online application and also a medical test certificate (200 PLN at door step), new photo, copy of current DL and address registration proof. The renewal is super smooth process and you do not need to attempt theory or practical exams. If your Indian DL expires in near future, submitting Medical Certificate will assign Polish DL validity that of Medical Certificate. Use your common sense and submit the document accordingly.

  • Do I need to surrender the Indian Driving License to Polish Authorities?


  • When should I surrender the Indian Driving License?

On the day, at the time of collecting printed Polish DL card.

  • Do I need to apply for new Driving License in India if I surrender the Indian Driving License?

No. Surrendering your Indian Driving License is temporary. Urzad Miasta will send your Indian DL to Indian Embassy in Warsaw after few weeks or Months after providing Polish DL to you. Give this step some time and check with Indian Embassy in email or phone after 6 months if they received your Indian Driving License. Do not worry about driving in India during your vacation; because a soft copy of Indian DL either in DigiLocker or any such app is accepted for Police checks.

  • Do I need to visit Indian Embassy in Warsaw to get back the Indian Driving License?

No. Once you have information from Indian Embassy about ready to collection of your Indian DL, you can arrange courier pick up. Use DPD or similar courier service online service to pay for the pickup and delivery and to generate the shipment label. Send this shipment label via email to Indian Embassy so that they can pack your Indian DL and paste this shipment label on it awaiting courier pickup. Please note, Indian Embassy do not have any service to deliver your Indian DL; it is your responsibility to arrange the courier.

  • How will I get back my Indian Driving License if I go out of Poland shortly after receiving Polish DL?

Follow same courier pickup method mentioned above. This time, select the international delivery option (Eg: DHL) and pay appropriate delivery fee. Make sure you communicate with Indian Embassy and get consent before initiating courier pickup.

  • How long should I wait for the Polish DL?

As per official process, up to 9 business days from the day the office receives confirmation of your foreign driving license data and confirmation of payment, the driving license will be ready for collection. Data confirmation may take up to several weeks :).

  • I need some refresh lessons to drive in Poland?

This is absolutely possible at Driving Schools having cars equipped with dual controls and with help of instructor. You do not need to pay the entire fee for fresh DL, but hourly fee (70-90 PLN approximately) only to practice on Polish roads. You need to contact nearby Driving School and arrange the date and time and how many hours of practice you need. If you are in Krakow, I would recommend and Mr.Konrad and his staff speak very good English.

Note: Please let me know if you have gone through the most recent application process and would like to suggest any edits in the above article. Thanks